
Saturday, 12 January 2013

How to Query to Devices in CUDA C/C++?

What does mean to Querying Device ?
Since we would like to be allocating memory and executing code on our device, it would be useful if our program had a way of knowing how much memory and what types of capabilities the device had. Furthermore, it is relatively common for people to have more than one CUDA-capable device per computer. In situations like this, we will definitely want a way to determine which processor is which.
How to Do?
For example, many motherboard's ship with integrated NVIDIA graphics processors. When a manufacturer or user adds a discrete graphics processor to this computer, it then possesses two CUDA-capable processors. Some NVIDIA products, like the GeForce GTX 295, ship with two GPUs on a single card. Computers that contain products such as this will also show two CUDA-capable processors. Before we get too deep into writing device code, we would love to have a mechanism for determining which devices (if any) are present and what capabilities each device supports. Fortunately, there is a very easy interface to determine this information. First, we will want to know how many devices in the system were built on the CUDA Architecture. These devices will be capable of executing kernels written in CUDA C. To get the count of CUDA devices, we call cudaGetDeviceCount(). Needless to say, we anticipate receiving an award for Most Creative Function Name

int count;

HANDLE_ERROR ( cudaGetDeviceCount ( &count ) );

 After calling cudaGetDeviceCount(), we can then iterate through the devices and query relevant information about each. The CUDA runtime returns us these properties in a structure of type cudaDeviceProp. What kind of properties can we retrieve? As of CUDA 3.0 (Please check for the CUDA  4.0 and 5.0 ), the cudaDeviceProp structure contains the following:

struct cudaDeviceProp
     char name[256];
     size_t totalGlobalMem;
     size_t sharedMemPerBlock;
     int regsPerBlock;
     int warpSize;
     size_t memPitch;
     int maxThreadsPerBlock;
     int maxThreadsDim[3];
     int maxGridSize[3];
     size_t totalConstMem;
     int major;
     int minor;
     int clockRate;
     size_t textureAlignment;
     int deviceOverlap;
     int multiProcessorCount;
     int kernelExecTimeoutEnabled;
    int integrated;
    int canMapHostMemory;
    int computeMode;
    int maxTexture1D;
    int maxTexture2D[2];
    int maxTexture3D[3];
    int maxTexture2DArray[3];
    int concurrentKernels;

   We’d like to avoid going too far, too fast down our rabbit hole, so we will not go into extensive detail about these properties now. In fact, the previous list is missing some important details about some of these properties, so you will want to consult the NVIDIA CUDA Programming Guide for more information. When you move on to write your own applications, these properties will prove extremely useful. However, for now we will simply show how to query each device and report the properties of each. So far, our device query looks something like this:

int main( void )
                 cudaDeviceProp prop;
                 int count;
                HANDLE_ERROR( cudaGetDeviceCount( &count ) );
               for (int  i=0; i< count; i++)
                       HANDLE_ERROR( cudaGetDeviceProperties( &prop, i ) );
                       //Do something with our device's properties

Her e is the complete code

// CUDA Device Query

#include <stdio.h>

// Print device properties
void printDevProp(cudaDeviceProp devProp)
    printf("Major revision number:         %d\n",  devProp.major);
    printf("Minor revision number:         %d\n",  devProp.minor);
    printf("Name:                          %s\n",;
    printf("Total global memory:           %u\n",  devProp.totalGlobalMem);
    printf("Total shared memory per block: %u\n",  devProp.sharedMemPerBlock);
    printf("Total registers per block:     %d\n",  devProp.regsPerBlock);
    printf("Warp size:                     %d\n",  devProp.warpSize);
    printf("Maximum memory pitch:          %u\n",  devProp.memPitch);
    printf("Maximum threads per block:     %d\n",  devProp.maxThreadsPerBlock);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    printf("Maximum dimension %d of block:  %d\n", i, devProp.maxThreadsDim[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    printf("Maximum dimension %d of grid:   %d\n", i, devProp.maxGridSize[i]);
    printf("Clock rate:                    %d\n",  devProp.clockRate);
    printf("Total constant memory:         %u\n",  devProp.totalConstMem);
    printf("Texture alignment:             %u\n",  devProp.textureAlignment);
    printf("Concurrent copy and execution: %s\n",  (devProp.deviceOverlap ? "Yes" : "No"));
    printf("Number of multiprocessors:     %d\n",  devProp.multiProcessorCount);
    printf("Kernel execution timeout:      %s\n",  (devProp.kernelExecTimeoutEnabled ? "Yes" : "No"));

int main()
    // Number of CUDA devices
    int devCount;
    printf("CUDA Device Query...\n");
    printf("There are %d CUDA devices.\n", devCount);

    // Iterate through devices
    for (int i = 0; i < devCount; ++i)
        // Get device properties
        printf("\nCUDA Device #%d\n", i);
        cudaDeviceProp devProp;
        cudaGetDeviceProperties(&devProp, i);

    printf("\nPress any key to exit...");
    char c;
    scanf("%c", &c);

    return 0;


Visual Studio 2008 project of this can be downloaded here [ZIP].

Got Questions?
Feel free to ask me any question because I'd be happy to walk you through step by step!  

Reference and External Links

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