In the previous article,
we noted that the hardware limits the number of blocks in a single launch to
65,535. Similarly, the hardware limits the number of threads per block with
which we can launch a kernel. Specifically, this number cannot exceed the value
specified by the maxThreadsPerBlock field of the device
properties structure we
looked at in previous articles. For many of the graphics processors currently
available, this limit is 512 threads per block, so how would we use a
thread-based approach to add two vectors of size greater than 512? We will have
to use a combination of threads and blocks to accomplish this.
As before, this will
require two changes: We will have to change the index computation within the
kernel, and we will have to change the kernel launch itself. Now that we have
multiple blocks and threads, the indexing will start to look similar to the standard
method for converting from a two-dimensional index space to a linear space.
int tid =
threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
This assignment uses a
new built-in variable, blockDim. This variable is a constant for
all blocks and stores the number of threads along each dimension of the block.
Since we are using a one-dimensional block, we refer only to blockDim.x.
If you recall, gridDim stored a similar value, but it stored
the number of blocks along each dimension of the entire grid. Moreover, gridDim is
two-dimensional, whereas blockDim is actually
three-dimensional. That is, the CUDA runtime allows you to launch a
two-dimensional grid of blocks where each block is a three-dimensional array of
threads. Yes, this is a lot of dimensions, and it is unlikely you will
regularly need the five degrees of indexing freedom afforded you, but they are
available if so desired.
Indexing the data in a
linear array using the previous assignment actually is quite intuitive. If you
disagree, it may help to think about your collection of blocks of threads
spatially, similar to a two-dimensional array of pixels. We depict this
arrangement in below Figure
If the threads represent
columns and the blocks represent rows, we can get a unique index by taking the
product of the block index with the number of threads in each block and adding
the thread index within the block.
int offset = x
+ y * DIM;
Here, DIM is the block
dimension (measured in threads), y is the block index, and x is the thread
index within the block. Hence, we arrive at the index:
tid = threadIdx.x +
blockIdx.x * blockDim.x.
The other change is to
the kernel launch itself. We still need N parallel threads to launch, but we
want them to launch across multiple blocks so we do not hit the 512-thread
limitation imposed upon us. One solution is to arbitrarily set the block size to
some fixed number of threads; for this example, let’s use 128 threads
per block. Then we can just launch N/128 blocks to get our total of N threads
Be Careful
The wrinkle here is that
N/128 is an integer division. This implies that if N were 127, N/128 would be
zero, and we will not actually compute anything if we launch zero threads.
In fact, we will launch too few threads whenever N is not an exact
multiple of 128. This is bad. We actually want this division to round up.
There is a common trick
to accomplish this in integer division without calling ceil(). We actually
compute (N+127)/128 instead of N/128. Either you can take our
word that this will compute the smallest multiple of 128 greater than or equal
to N or you can take a moment now to convince yourself of this fact. We have chosen 128 threads per block and
therefore use the following kernel
Vector_Addition <<< ( N + 127 ) / 128, 128 >>> ( dev _ a, dev _ b, dev _ c );
More Careful
Because of our change to
the division that ensures we launch enough threads, we will actually now launch too
many threads when N is not an exact multiple of 128. But there is a simple remedy to this problem,
and our kernel already takes care of it. We have to check whether a thread’s
offset is actually between 0 and N before we use it to access our input and
output arrays:
if (tid <
= a[tid] + b[tid];
Thus, when our index
overshoots the end of our array, as will always happen when we launch a
nonmultiple of 128, we automatically refrain from performing the calculation.
More important, we refrain from reading and writing memory off the end of our
Seeking for Code? We
prefer you to write your own code after making those changes.
But don’t worry; here is the code that you are seeking for J
But don’t worry; here is the code that you are seeking for J
#include <stdio.h>
#define HANDLE_ERROR( err )
( HandleError( err, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) )
static void HandleError(
cudaError_t err, const char *file, int line )
if (err != cudaSuccess)
printf( "%s in %s at line %d\n", cudaGetErrorString( err ),
file, line );
const int N = 2048;
// CUDA Kernel for Vector Addition
__global__ void Vector_Addition ( const int *dev_a , const int *dev_b , int *dev_c)
//Get the id of thread within a block
unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x *
blockDim.x + threadIdx.x ;
while ( tid < N ) // check the boundry condition for the threads
[tid] = dev_a[tid] + dev_b[tid] ;
blockDim.x * gridDim.x ;
int main (void)
//Host array
int Host_a[N],
Host_b[N], Host_c[N];
//Device array
int *dev_a , *dev_b,
*dev_c ;
//Allocate the memory on the GPU
( cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_a , N*sizeof(int) ) );
( cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_b , N*sizeof(int) ) );
( cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_c , N*sizeof(int) ) );
//fill the Host array with random elements on the CPU
for ( int i = 0; i <N ;
i++ )
= -i ;
= i*i ;
//Copy Host array to Device array
(cudaMemcpy (dev_a , Host_a , N*sizeof(int) , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
(cudaMemcpy (dev_b , Host_b , N*sizeof(int) , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
//Make a call to GPU kernel
<<< (N+127)/128, 128
>>> (dev_a , dev_b , dev_c ) ;
//Copy back to Host array from Device array
(cudaMemcpy(Host_c , dev_c , N*sizeof(int) , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
//Display the result
for ( int i = 0; i<N; i++
("%d + %d = %d\n", Host_a[i] , Host_b[i] , Host_c[i] ) ;
//Free the Device array memory
(dev_a) ;
(dev_b) ;
(dev_c) ;
return 0 ;
Have you find/point out any problem with this implementation ? yes, yes there is a problem with this implementation.
How will you solve this problem, in over to ride the code?
Soon we'll provide the solution for that, till than THINK
Got Questions?
Feel free to ask me any question because I'd be happy to walk you through step by step!
Now that we understand the principle
behind this implementation, we just need to understand how we determine the
initial index value for each parallel thread and how we determine the
increment. We want each parallel thread to start on a different data index, so
we just need to take our thread and block indexes and linearize them as we saw
in the “GPU Sums of a Longer Vector” section. Each thread will start at an
index given by the following:
int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x *
After each thread finishes its work at
the current index, we need to increment each of them by the total number of
threads running in the grid. This is simply the number of threads per block
multiplied by the number of blocks in the grid, or blockDim.x * gridDim.x.
Hence, the increment step is as follows:
tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
The only remaining piece is to fix the
launch itself. If you remember, we took this detour because the launch add<<<(N+127)/128,128>>>(
dev_a, dev_b, dev_c ) will fail when (N+127)/128 is greater than 65,535.
How will you solve this problem, in over to ride the code?
Soon we'll provide the solution for that, till than THINK
Got Questions?
Feel free to ask me any question because I'd be happy to walk you through step by step!
Reference and External Links
CUDA C Programming Guide
Programming Massively Parallel Processors By David B. Kirk and Wen-mei W.Hwu
Programming Massively Parallel Processors By David B. Kirk and Wen-mei W.Hwu
I did not understand "tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;". I checked some other books and none of them are thinking in this manner as you are doing . What is wrong with the following :
int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if(tid < N )
dev_c [tid] = dev_a[tid] + dev_b[tid] ;
It will be nice to hear from you over this issue.
I agree! I have been looking around the blog trying to figure out what the advantages are. I think it has something to do with efficiency and making threads to more work, but OP isn't clear why this makes it more efficient. I would also appreciate an explanation.
Deletecopied from cuda by example
ReplyDeletecan you represent a multidimensonal thread block in a pictorial form?
ReplyDeleteThis publication is excellent.
ReplyDeleteI keep my fingers crossed for you and for creating new texts.